Hi, Just a quick note to say sorry that our website has been down for the past few days! We have had a few issues with our hosting, but are happy to say that we are now back up and running!! Sorry to everyone who ended up having to call in for information. We have…

Weekend food is changing!
From this weekend, May 2nd, food at the weekends will be changing. Firstly we will see the launch of our new brunch menu perfect for those lazy weekend mornings! Not only that we will be serving our normal menu all day on Saturday, 12 – 9, as well as our famous Sunday Roasts 12 –…

City of Ale 21st – 31st May 2015
City of Ale 2015 is soon upon us and we are proud to yet again be a part of it. We have a number of different events happening through out the celebrations. The objectives of the Norwich City of Ale are: To facilitate collaboration between local breweries and city real ale pubs; To organise an…
Summer is around the corner!!
The evenings are getting lighter and the sun is starting to shine again. Over the winter months we have been doing alot of work to the inside of the pub. With as little disruption as possible we have managed to decorate the inside of the pub downstairs, as well as doing some little bits of…
Fresh Local Produce
We had a goal when taking on The Eagle, and it was to provide good locally sourced food. We work with a number of suppliers to make sure that the food on your plate has come from a local supplier where possible. We use the multi award winning Swannington Farm to Fork for all of…
Norfolk Ale
We live in a county where we are spoilt with the range of local brewers. We have been extremely fortunate to work closely with a number of brewers to make sure we have the right ales for our customers. Comments are always welcome! If there is something you would like us to sell let us…

Dog Friendly
We at The Eagle love our dogs! On the rare occasions you may see my dog Murphy running around the garden, or Oscar may have his dog Dottie running around. We are a friendly dog friendly pub!! So if your out walking the dog and are in need of some liquid refreshment pop in for…
The Eagle Test Post
This is a test post to check the blog works as it should do.
Test blog post 02
Duis velit mara nutus vel obruo sed diam at exputo tincidunt. Oppeto vulpes quod dolore quadrum et consequat jugis dignissim diam wisi nisl. Loquor demoveo accumsan hendrerit suscipit olim fatua eros eros iusto. Ille esse abluo adipiscing gilvus. Meus virtus erat eum. Voco pagus huic humo consectetuer. A quia neque loquor praesent. Capto ut importunus…
Test blog post 01
Duis velit mara nutus vel obruo sed diam at exputo tincidunt. Oppeto vulpes quod dolore quadrum et consequat jugis dignissim diam wisi nisl. Loquor demoveo accumsan hendrerit suscipit olim fatua eros eros iusto. Ille esse abluo adipiscing gilvus. Meus virtus erat eum. Voco pagus huic humo consectetuer. A quia neque loquor praesent. Capto ut importunus…