We are extremely pleased in maintaining our 5 star hygiene rating for the pub. Well done to all of the staff who work very hard to make this possible.

Eastern Daily Press Review
We are very proud of our recent review in the EDP. Have a look at our excellent food review here!

Welcome Heineken
We are very pleased to welcome Heineken onto our bar! Not only does it join our excellent line up of beers on tap we have been lucky enough to get the new ice font ensuring a cool pint in a glass from the freezer! Along with Heineken we now also have Amstel on draught. …

5 Star Hygiene Rating
we have just had our latest EHO inspection and we’re happy to report we got a perfect 5!

We love our four legged friends and we have been working with the excellent Lily’s Kitchen to bring a range of dog snacks and dinners to The Eagle. Look out for The (B)Eagle Dog Food Menu coming soon. Even more reason to come to the pub!!

We are currently giving the pub a lick of paint. Work is nearly complete on the main bar area and is continuing into the the toilets! Come in and have a look!!

We’re going social!
Why not have a look at our Instagram page! Just click here, to see the latest photos and goings on at The Eagle. All of our photos are taken, by the very talented Dom behind the bar!

We are very sorry, but over the last week our online reservation and contact system has not been working, and all of our emails went out of action as well! We are happy to say we are now up and running again! Whilst we may know our way round some good food and beer, one…

Tobi’s Tipple
We have had the lovely Tobi’s Tipple on the bar recently. This is a charity beer from our good friends at Norfolk Brewhouse. The idea of the pint is to raise awareness of testicular cancer. For more on how Norfolk Brewhouse helped click here Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in young…

Coming in March!
Burger and a pint of Kozel for £10. To celebrate the arrival of Kozel we have teamed up with Olda the goat, the official mascot of the Kozel Brewery, and come up with an offer for Monday Nights. Being a goat and speaking with a heavy accent we decided to keep it simple! A delicious…